Weekly(?) Update for 5/4/2010
Attempt #2 at a weekly update.
Last week:
- Stopped work, for now at least, on bug 532498. It had gone way over budget and there was no end in sight. Feel free to ping me for details.
- Got the locale code into Kitsune. (bug 549013)
- Got support for custom word lists in. (bug 550103)
- Got the machinery built to do Sphinx tests in bug 554740. All that’s left is figuring out how best to clean up after myself.
- Fixed a bug in Wil Clouser’s Tower L10n library for bug 556810 and got a first draft up.
- Started work on pulling Dave Dash’s minify app out of Zamboni for bug 550515.
- Started reviewing bug 553131 (working with Tiki sessions in Kitsune).
This week:
- Finish out 556810 (string extraction) and 554740 (Sphinx tests and category exclusion).
- Finish up library extraction for 550515 (concat and minify JS and CSS).
- Get Hudson running our test suite. (bug 556449)
- Fix up FlatQS. (bug 554206)
- Start 1.5.4 work and come up with release documentation. (!!!)
- Work with L10n community to figure out what we need to get over that way.
- Reviews, reviews, reviews. (I hope.)
Stretch goals:
- Get some better error handling when the Sphinx server is down. (bug 554778)
- See if we can’t get the outermost templates working with RTL (bug 437891).